New Heart

New Heart

Music for the Heart and Emotional Bonding

New Heart stabilizes and enhances the flow of energy in the chest area, penetrating deeply into the opening and closing mechanism of the 4th energy centre in the chest.

Detail: The tempo of New Heart is at 60 beats per minute and can be used as background music to enhance learning situations. In such cases, it works well at low volumes.

Track 2 is particularly suited to visualizations regarding heart function and a healthy circulatory system. See our suggestions for helping to balance and tune the opening and closing mechanism of the 4th - or heart - energy center.

New Heart can be used by athletes who want to optimize those functions, as well as by people with heart or circulatory problems. New Heart would be useful as part of a recovery treatment plan from a heart attack or heart surgery.

For anxiety and low self-esteem. Our Visualization Exercises focus on other aspects of this music - helping clear old, negative self-image and self-confidence patterns that tend to exist and cause blockages in this area. This kind of blockage affects our ability to create balanced relationships.

Listening Tips: Intensive use:2 to 3 times a day; Normal use: 1 to 2 times per week

Visualization Exercises: Download here

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Allergies (dust, pollen, animal hair, etc)

Allergies occur when a false alarm is sent to the immune system, so that it reacts against otherwise harmless foreign substances such as pollen, dust, food, etc. Heat, cold, sunlight and the emotions can all activate this reaction.

Helps circulate the energy in the chest area where there are acupressure points relating to the lymph system
Specific symptoms: Difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest area
Use: Acute: 2-3 times a day; Chronic: 2 times a day; Sitting or lying down with headphones


A birth is like a storm. It begins in many ways - quietly, suddenly, with intense physical and emotional highs and lows before ending. This music gives emotional and energetic support to the entire process.

Helps maintain an open heart
Specific symptoms: During the entire birth from the onset of contractions
Use: As desired; With headphones or as background music in any posture


This disease is also known as ‘high blood pressure’. These titles help to resolve emotional and energetic blockages, which may be underlying this condition.

Helps circulate the energy in the chest area where there are acupressure points relating to the lymph system
Specific symptoms: Difficulty in breathing deeply, tightness in the chest
Use: 1-2 times a day; With headphones or as background music while sitting or lying down or during activity


In massage the giver transmits contact through their hands to the body of the receiver. This music helps facilitate this contact.

Helps clear trapped emotional energy in the chest area
Specific symptoms: Anxiety, low self-esteem
Use: As long as necessary during the session; As background music

Physical illness, chronic
(cancer, AIDS, birth defects, nervous disorders, multiple sclerosis, etc)

All layers of the electromagnetic field are affected in cases of serious or chronic illness. This music is complementary to all forms of treatment; however, it is not a replacement for professional medical care.

Track 1 helps stabilize energy flow in the chest area to improve self-esteem and neutralize ‘I am a victim’ feelings. Track 2: To enhance cellular integrity on an energetic level
Specific symptoms: All symptoms
Use: Once a day; With headphones while sitting or lying down

Physical stamina, vitality, rejuvenation

Helps promote a flexible mind, strong heart and breath and vibrant energy on a physical level.

Promotes self-esteem, a greater capacity to breathe and circulation of the energy in and around the heart
Specific symptoms: slow or sluggish circulation
Use: 1-2 times a day; With headphones or as background music while sitting, lying down or during activity

Stress, chronic (caring for loved one, working long hours, etc)

The human energy system can withstand high amounts of stress both emotional and mental over prolonged periods of time when given proper support. This music is focused on providing that support in musical form.

Helps maintain energy flow in the chest area, to help accept a long-term situation and act with compassion
Specific symptoms: Feelings of resentment and being burdened
Use: 1-2 times a day or as needed; With headphones while sitting or lying down, or as background music during activity

Substance abuse (drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc)

Scientists have learned that the brain makes its own pleasure-producing chemicals, called endorphins. These chemicals lie at the surface of certain specialized nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain and fit into the neurons like keys into keyholes.

Substances such as nicotine, narcotics, etc. contain chemicals that also fit into these keyholes, which is why these substances produce feelings of pleasure. As a result of relying on increasing doses of the substance however, the brain stops the production of its own endorphins.

Thus these substances actually change the body chemistry in such a way that normal functioning becomes impossible unless the substance is present.

Helps move and strengthen circulation of energy in the chest area
Use: Once a day; As background music while sitting, lying down or during activity

help icon - mind

Learning: Adults

Each age has distinct parameters that enter into the learning process that could be described as a difference in emphasis for physical, emotional and mental development.

Promotes self-esteem and a positive outlook
Specific symptoms: To promote learning and ease of doing mental work
Use: Before studying to prepare; during studying; after studying to help integrate the material; while doing any kind of mental activity. As desired; With headphones or as background music

help icon - emotion

For developing personal power and self-esteem; serenity and inner peace; Emotional trauma (loss of job, death of loved one, divorce, separation, moving house, etc)

Helps move and strengthen circulation of energy in the chest area, which helps to stabilize and balance the emotional energy
Use: In acute situations 1-2 times a day; as needed; With headphones, as background music while sitting, lying down or during activity

Visualization Exercises

We offer a selection of Visualization Exercises that will enhance the effect of your listening experience.

For the Body »

  • Deep Touch
  • Floating
  • Radiant Body
  • For the Emotions »

  • Inner Sun
  • Magical Garden
  • New Heart